It also gives you information on temperature ranges, what the ‘feels like’ temperature is, the chance of rain, wind speed and direction, humidity, hourly forecasts for rainfall and temperature, sunrise and sunset times, UV ratings as well as wave height and direction for those closer to the coasts. Likely already your go-to when it comes to checking the weather, BOM Weather is the official app of the Bureau of Meteorology (otherwise known as BOM), and gives you weather warnings, seven-day forecasts and radar images for rainfall.

This is a selection of products with links to a referral partner. Use our comparison tool to see plans from a range of other providers. The following table shows a selection of 24-month 128GB Google Pixel 7 plans on Canstar Blue’s database, listed in order of standard monthly cost, from the lowest to highest and then by data allowance, largest to smallest. Switch between the tabs to compare devices. With so many weather apps available, which one should you look to download and install? Check out some of the best weather apps available in Australia below:Ĭompare a range of phone plans for popular smartphones in the below table. But which apps can help you stay one step ahead of the weather, and which ones are as useless as an inside-out umbrella? Find out which weather apps are the best with this Canstar Blue guide. But, like the weather itself, some of these apps can be unpredictable, with the market raining cats and dogs in terms of options to choose from. Weather apps have been around for as long as apps have been around, with the weather a water-cooler topic of conversation for years, making it a no-brainer for app designers to get amongst. If only it could be avoided! Oh wait, it can.

There’s nothing worse than being caught out in the rain without an umbrella.